Virtual Library for University Students

Recent Projects

Virtual Library for University Students

Virtual Library for University Students

Brix e-Solutions has been engineering and developing virtual library systems (VLS) since 2012
  • Client: UK Higher Education Sector
  • Category: Education, IT
  • Date: October, 2021
  • Location: United Kingdom

Virtual Library for University Students

Brix e-Solutions has been engineering and developing virtual library systems (VLS) since 2012. VLS are organized collections of digital information that can offer resources from many sources and in many formats, including digital text, audio, and video. Brix currently serving VLS for digitalized materials in the higher education sector in the UK.

Our VLS offers opportunities for learning that are not possible in a physical environment. Physical libraries operate within designated hours, but virtual libraries are available at any time and accessible from anywhere. Brix has specially designed its virtual library system to cater to the education sector in the UK and overseas.