Distributed Virtual Learning Platform for UK Education Providers

Recent Projects

Distributed Virtual Learning Platform for UK Education Providers

Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)

Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) offers a structured and more streamlined mechanism for the creation and publication of e-learning resources
  • Client: UK Higher Education Sector
  • Category: Education, IT
  • Date: October, 2021
  • Location: United Kingdom

Distributed Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) for UK Education Providers

Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) offers a structured and more streamlined mechanism for the creation and publication of e-learning resources that can be easily accessible via the web. Implementing a VLE consolidates various aspects of online learning such as content delivery, student tracking, e-mail communications, and many other academic needs. Our VLE helps teachers and academic support staff manage and deliver a variety of daily tasks, including:

– Class Administration and Organisation
– Create Lesson Plans
– Student Assessment and Monitoring
– Online Assignment Marking
– Online Discussion and Support

There are various interactive tools available in VLEs, which can also support students with both classwork and homework. Submit and track assignments online via a personal home page, participate in discussion forums with classmates, work from their own places and out of school, and complete worksheets and tests online for final submission and grading.