Surgical Information Management System

Recent Projects

Surgical Information Management System

Surgical Information Management System (SIMS)

SIMS is a web-based Information Management system that provides all the major functional areas of surgical information recording.
  • Client: NHS - Sri Lanka
  • Category: Software, IT
  • Date: October, 2021
  • Location: Sri Lanka

Surgical Information Management System (SIMS)

SIMS addresses the needs of individual surgeons and helps them fulfill their record-keeping requirements while improving personal performance. SIMS is a web-based Information Management system that provides all the major functional areas of surgical information recording. It provides the opportunity to electronically store and manage surgeries. SIMS has the benefits of streamlining operations and enhancing administration.

This web-based application is designed to reduce the user learning, curve and minimize training costs. In fact, most users can start using the system within one hour of training.

Unlike any other surgical information management software vendor, Brix provides you with a complete software system that helps you support patient safety initiatives in the operating room. Online patient registration and store surgery details from the theatre provide easy access to past surgical notes for quick references during surgical procedures and view a variety of reports and statistics that provide healthcare professionals an opportunity to build a strong, efficient foundation to enhance patients’ care and improve to quality of service in the healthcare establishments.